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The Anglo-Australian Telescope is main instrument of the Anglo-Australian Observatory. It can be found a commemorative coin issued in connection with the International Year of Astronomy.

A wide variety of coins has been issued in connection with The International Year of Astronomy. The so-called geocoins - which are accessories of a new kind of technical hobby, geocaching - cover a wide range of topics. On one of a pair of these geocoins issued in 2009 the Anglo-Australian telescope and observatory is displayed.

On the obverse of the coin the observatory, its name and the Southern Cross constellation is visible. The unique identification number on the bottom is used for monitoring the way of that very coin through the world, according to the rules of geocaching. The reverse shows was well-known icon of the International Year of Astronomy.

Anglo-Australian Telescope obverseAnglo-Australian Telescope hátlap

When the observatory was commissioned in 1974, it was the third-largest telescope of the world, the largest under the southern sky.