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Many people noticed independently the supernova exploded in 1572 in constellation Cassiopeia, but Tycho Brahe described it the most thoroughly.

Tycho's logbookIn the Kingdom of Denmark in 2013, a 20 crowns face value coin was issued in memory of Tycho Brahe’s discovery in 1572. On the obverse of the coin the Cassiopeia can be seen with the brightly shining supernova on the top. The SN 1572 signed supernova is one of about eight supernovae visible to the naked eye in historical records.. So it was a rare phenomenon, and while many had seen, or might has seen yet mostly known as Tycho’s supernova. It is because of Tycho Brahe's extensive work "De nova et nullius aevi memoria prius visa stella", i. e. Concerning the Star, new and never before seen in the life or memory of anyone. This work is containing both Tycho Brahe's own observations and the analysis of sightings from many other observers. Tycho was not the first to observe the 1572 supernova, although he was probably the most accurate observer of the object. It was published in 1573 with reprints overseen Kepler in 1602, and 1610.

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On the obverse of the coin the star map of the above mentioned work was reproduced. Over the Cassiopeia constellation the supernova, below the year 1572 is shown. Legend around is: " TYCHO BRAHE · STELLA NOVA ", that Tycho Brahe new star. Below is the value "20 KRONER", so 20 crowns.

On the reverse similarly to the normal coinage the right looking portrait of Margaret II. is visible with the year of emission: 2013. It weighs 9.5 grams and has a diameter of 27 mm.

The commemorative coin was issued is less number, made of silver, with 200 crowns face value.