Hits: 2010

The Lorimer medal is an award of the The Astronomical Society of Edinburgh.

The history on the Lorimer award medal is cited from the homepage of the Society: "In the 1930s, when it was known as the Edinburgh Astronomical Association, John Henry Lorimer, a well-known artist and brother of the famous architect Sir Robert Lorimer, was Vice-President. He died in 1936 and left a substantial legacy to the Society: We own a bust of Mr Lorimer and two of his paintings. Some of the funds were used to endow a medal in his honour, to be awarded at the discretion of the Council, to persons who have made notable contributions to popular astronomy. It is not awarded often, and not given lightly." Till now only twelve medals were awarded, and the list of winner is listed on the society's page.

The first medal was made of gold, while the other are of gilt silver. According to the secretary of the society no bronze medal, without the inscription of the winner should exist. The dies are in the possession of the society from 1946. The first medal was issued in 1938, the medalist was P. Lagarde from Paris. This bronze medal - possible a trial struck - weights 54.5 gram and has a diameter 50mm. On its obverse the portrait of John Henry Lorimer, a famous painter and - although I haven't found any written document of it, but I presume  - amateur astronomer. On the left his name, on the right his birth and death year was placed. There is also a text left to Lorimer's shoulder GRUN, but the meaning of it is unknown.

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On the reverse the allegoric women of Astronomy and a part of the zodiac is pictured. Below it the empty place is to hold the name of the awarded. The legend around is: "THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH", and "FOUNDED 1924".